Install Certbot on CentOS


Certbot is a Python client that automates both obtaining free certificates from Let’s Encrypt and configuring web servers to create a secure https connection using these certificates. As an example, we will look at installing Cerbot on CentOS, learn how to get a free certificate using it and automatically configure nginx / apache. Install Certbot … Read more

CentOS 8 extend LVM


Earlier we installed CentOS 8. But what if the disk size was not enough? Fortunately, this operating system uses LVM by default, and in this article we will use for example the CentOS 8 extend LVM partition. This procedure is practically no different from the actions in previous versions of this OS. Attention! Before you … Read more

CentOS 8 install Docker

Installing the CentOS 8 operating system itself was discussed earlier in this article. Docker on CentOS 8: installation error When trying to install Docker on Centos 8 from the official repository, I received the following error: The error is caused by the dependency, which cannot be automatically installed from the repository. CentOS 8 install … Read more

CentOS 8 install guide


On September 24, 2019, CentOS 8 was released, the first version of the system was marked 8.0-1905. In Centos 8 installation does not fundamentally differ from the installation in previous versions of the system, however, small differences still appeared. The article provides step-by-step installation instructions for Centos 8 with comments and screenshots. 1 Distributives2 Install … Read more